Sunday, February 2, 2025

We are the Resistance.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Coffee is great.

I didn’t block the NYT. I stopped supporting it long ago, along with most legacy media. For that reason I get to see what they are up to and on my diagonal Threads read, this morning, I saw their “warning” about Kash Patel. It made me sick to my stomach.

It made me sick not because of Patel, or the danger he poses, or his repulsive demeanor. It made me sick because the paragraph from the article shown as introduction to the link included a reference to the courage it took to build this country. The “immense courage” (sic). So rich coming from the cowards of the NYT, who allowed this to happen. The article, like the newspaper, now wreaks of fear and panic. They finally see it. They’re fucked.

Too late, NYT. No one will save you now. We are in between what was and what will be as in no man’s land. In this limbo like place we live in coexist such feelings as anger, revolt, buyers regret, remorse, and the inescapable fear that creeps in the souls of the righteous and the ignoble alike. As we move away from what was into the uncertain future, some of us start to organize thoughts and plan actions. We’re snapping out of it. We have to.

I live in an affluent suburb known to be very conservative and yet plenty of Democrats live here. Among them a few of my closest neighbors, who I visit as often as my life permits. I have not been around much since last Christmas but yesterday we got together again and got to catch up and share our experiences and expectations. I went in decided to suggest the establishment of a local resistance cell and the idea was adopted immediately. We’re activated.

There were just four of us in this spontaneous meeting, and over a bottle of Angel Rye and a round of Youker we agreed to start meeting once a month with as many like minded neighbors as we could gather. Those present, for we are very close, are in almost daily contact; the resistance cell will go well beyond us and it’s prudent to start slow. At this point the objective is to share experiences and information, gradually moving towards the planing of initiatives leading to local action.

As we all start to re-engage the fight, putting together these local groups is key. We need to move quickly from just resisting online to also getting our act together in our communities. Our neighborhoods are the best place to start. I ask you to consider doing this too: start a regular reunion at your place or at one of your neighbors’ houses or apartments. Start slow and small. It will grow. Maybe one day the reunions will have to be held at a community center, as the numbers grow.

Keep in mind the path we are on, though. Be careful and thoughtful from the start. Better to plan for a clandestine operation and keep it small and in our homes. Don’t be too eager to expand and expose yourselves. As I see it, better to have several groups in the same area than to meet at the local high school and paint ourselves targets on our backs. Keep it tight and keep it real. And be mindful who you invite to those meetings.

It has a flare of resistance in Europe, during WW2, and not by accident. It feels like we may well get to that point. And no, I am not “overreacting”. It really may come to that. Our aim is not to sabotage railroads or stash weapons. Our objective is to stay sane in a world gone mad; to spread awareness and share knowledge; to, eventually, plan the kind of good trouble required to resist. Necessary trouble. The kind that turns resistance into opposition.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you can, start your own resistance cell in your neighborhood and establish a real world branch of your online activity. Share information and ideas; prepare for local elections; support each other in person. In the coming struggle, human touch is essential. Reach out and touch your neighbors. It’s time to stand together. For real.

Resistance is life.
Opposition is everything.

Resist & Oppose!

The Little Steps Doctrine.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Saturday coffee. Photo Op. After the announcement by Hakeem Jeffries that Democrats wil...