Saturday, February 1, 2025


Good morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Not enough coffee…

Another “good” exception today. Ofer Calderon, Keith Siegel and Yarden Bibas are home. I am enjoying this as much as I can but I know the smile on my face won’t last through the morning. There’s a moving train heading for a cliff, and we’re in it. Not going to sugar coat it. We need awareness.

Between the Friday night special about the ongoing DOJ and FBI purge and another plane crash, the fuckery at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), perpetrated by Musk’s minions, flew practically under the radar. As with the DOD, FAA, and other agencies, the Musk grinder has been trying to push out thousands of public servants with childish calls for their resignation badly disguised as severance.

OPM Musk loyalists have “sent out memos that eschew the normal dry wording of government missives as it encourages civil servants to consider buyout offers to quit and take a vacation to a "dream destination." - The Gazette. The replacement of public servants by fanatic bureaucrats under Elon’s eye is in full swing. And we’re barely aware of it, as these events are buried in a pile of other disturbing news. By design. These are very dangerous times.

Met with initial resistance by a few OPM employees, Musk’s cybertroopers quickly proceeded to lock them out of their systems, which means the loyalists who authored the “dream destination” memos were involved. We don’t know what exactly they managed to get from this cyber raid but we know that OPM handles all government employees personal information, to which Musk Inc. has no business accessing.

OPM “systems include a vast database called Enterprise Human Resources Integration, which contains dates of birth, Social Security numbers, appraisals, home addresses, pay grades and length of service of government workers (…).” - The Gazette.
It is safe to assume that a complete copy of that data is now property of Musk Inc. What could possibly go wrong.

With half the FBI out of commission and the other half certain they will be fired and prosecuted should they try to investigate this government’s conduct I can see what’s going to happen on cue before 2026. With the pretext elections are terribly compromised by the woke system that regulates them at the federal and state level, Musk Inc. will announce its replacement by a state of the art new independent agency that will ensure free and fair elections. The end.

You may think I am overreacting, but that’s exactly what will happen. Unless Democrats in Congress and all truly independent organizations concerned start working to protect our electoral system right now we will enter a golden era of cosmetic cyber engineered elections that will make sure our votes will never matter again. Under their eyes.

We don’t have much time until 2026. Although those we oppose have all the institutional power and trillions of dollars we can still stop them. And I swear to God if I read one more post from Democrats saying “God is in the throne” or regurgitating news headlines I am going to puke into a 9x12 kraft envelope and mail it to the author. These people need to wake the fuck up. Democracy was already in dire straits before but it is being destroyed before our eyes now.

The law is nothing but the steward of Justice. Democracy is nothing without law. On my “Shadow Boxing” post of January 23, I mentioned the need for a shadow government that actually legislates the protections we need to be in place to prevent the extinction of Justice. We have hundreds of Democrats in Congress who should be working on all fronts besides the much needed “shadow boxing”. But where are they?

They are concerned about what consumes them and practically all their time. I believe it’s called “fundraising”. You want to know how you will recognize the leader we need in the times ahead? Look for the one saying political fundraising should be illegal and punishable by law. That’s the one we’re looking for. A couple of Democrats in Congress are trying to actually work on all these things. I hope their energy is contagious.

As for the rest of us, we’re not helpless. We can do plenty to fight for Justice. A lawyer from Virginia suggested in a TikTok video we should all file redress of grievances suits against TFG and explains how. If you can still access TikTok, his handle is Rickywat2do. @snarkktank posted it on her feed on Threads. Look her up. There’s a lot we can do. What we cannot afford is silence. We must raise awareness for as long as we can.

We must Resist & Oppose every day. I fear for a near future in which writing these words will no longer be possible and SM will become the realm of praises to the dear leader, cat videos and porn ads. The last victim in the falling dominoes will be freedom. Law, Justice, Democracy, Freedom. Please don’t watch them as they fall. Try to stop it anyway you can.

One day this will be over and we may resume our lives building a better tomorrow. That day is not today. It will not be today for many days to come. The cancer is spreading fast and I understand it’s hard to know which part of the metastasis needs to be addressed. All seem in urgent need of attention and action. Don’t let it overwhelm you. You are not alone and we will rise.

Be the light in the dark, big or small. Others will see you, even from miles away. Read, write, talk to others. Our fight is our bond. Make it strong. Make it impossible to suppress and to be ignored. Stay together. Acceptance is not an option. Resistance is life. Opposition is everything. Let them all know, from the fascists to the status quo enablers, they fucked with the wrong motherfuckers. And when the time comes, make them pay.

Resist & Oppose.

The Little Steps Doctrine.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Saturday coffee. Photo Op. After the announcement by Hakeem Jeffries that Democrats wil...