Friday, February 21, 2025

Breaking Through.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Very hot coffee. Black.

The Revolt.
All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. We want a leader who dreams of this with eyes wide open. A reluctant leader, a revolutionary leader for a revolution the likes of which no one has ever seen. How do we recognize such a leader?

He will look like the devil. He will inspire fear into the hearts of our foes and, yes, doubt in our own hearts for he will not be perfect and must stand where so many wish a woman would. But a woman can’t. Not now. We have to understand this tragedy and see it in his eyes. He must realize he is standing where a woman should and admit it, so that women trust him. That’s the unfortunate state of our society, still afflicted by systemic misogyny. Denial will not solve it.

Once we recognize that quality in the man, we must see in him other ones: the ones that make the revolt novel. The will to denounce and effectively reject money in politics forever. Step one, without which none other works: a 13 member SCOTUS with term limits and ethics oversight. Say it. Mean it. Extend the term limits to Congress. We had enough of Congress people shedding tears as they watch Hamilton and then spending 60 years in their warm seats. So Washingtonian of them.

Once that is done we will remove both Citizens United from the law and make lobbying and fundraising illegal. Period. Establish a straight forward and free method to redress grievances and advocate for justice whenever needed that does not involve favors of any kind. Lead by example by removing the presidential immunity and abolishing the unitary executive theory. Show us the will to return power to the people instead of clinging to it, like everyone has before.

Embrace social democracy and reject democratic socialism. This means breaking up massive corporations into smaller competitive companies NOT taking control of them or replacing their boards of directors with worker cooperatives. It means taxing corporations to the tune of 50% or more NOT nationalizing their profits. Once and for all end the myth of capitalism AND socialism as solutions and embrace the empowerment of the individual for the benefit of the collective.

Social democracy is the realization of the common good without the tragedy of the commons. Limit the growth of personal wealth at the same time individual wages are drastically increased. Raise the minimum wage to a dignified living wage standard. Lower personal wealth to levels far from the obscenity they reach now. Allow people to become richer by their ingenuity and effort but end homelessness and hunger. Don’t eat the super rich: tax the hell out of them until they’re just rich.

Forever break the ties between religion and state and tax the mega churches and limit the reach of cult like fanatical ones by separating them from public life without infringing their rights. Keep faith out of public schools and public office while allowing those who follow a faith to gather and support each other in those same spaces without imposing themselves on others or infringing others’ rights. Be tolerant of the faithful and intolerant of the fanatical.

Set Women’s rights and Marriage Equality in stone. Amend the Constitution to that effect. Strengthen workers rights by banning right to work laws and regulating Unions so they may defend their members without exploiting them. Do not allow Unions to become the new mega corporations and their leaders the new oligarchs. Impose fair term limits to their leadership structure. They are no different than Congress people. No little “kings” anywhere.

Listen to us when we ask for Medicare for all and Medicaid expansions for the less fortunate among us. No “supplements” to appease health insurance companies. Private insurance and private hospitals will still exist, the same way Cadillac dealerships will, but in a world where public healthcare will provide first class services we all pay for. In time the private healthcare system will turn to more aesthetic and elective services leaving preventive and lifesaving ones to the public.

Once and for all ban assault weapons and ammunition designed for war from the public market. Regulate legal firearms as we regulate cars. End stand your ground laws. Reform law enforcement practices and regulations as well as their employment methods. Make sure officers expelled for misconduct cannot be rehired in other counties or states. Direct investment in the police to these practices and increase funding of social services as a federal initiative.

Expand the conversion of our energy industry from fossil to renewable sources quickly but rationally, creating a new and thriving jobs oriented economy. Be bold in offering every American a job but also face the reality automation and artificial intelligence will create a world where jobs will become fewer. They are already disappearing.

People want dignity and respect. They don’t want handouts or charity. Given the opportunity to work for a good paying job the overwhelming majority of us will take it without a second thought. But some of us can’t for good reason and no fault of their own. They deserve a roof over their heads and food on their tables. Establish a Universal Basic Income for those unable to achieve these basic needs. It’s called humanity, not charity.

Let’s start here. Let’s not fall into denial traps that will make us get close to glory only to die on the beach. The glory we seek is deeper inland. I wrote about this, right after the election. I want a woman president. I want a black or a Hispanic or a gay president and I don’t care about their religion as long as they keep it out of government. I want to live in a country that allows all these things and has no glass ceilings or any ceilings.

In order to get there we need to get off the fucking beach and break through. The break through is listed above. Those are the qualities we should look for in a leader for this revolt. But we better understand it must be one that will get us off the beach while giving us the assurance of a new bold vision we can rally around. If the policies listed above don’t come true we will find ourselves here again. Let’s find someone who can lead this revolt and get us off the beach.

Seen on the internet:

Dear Democratic Leaders,
Have you started Project 2029 yet?

It should contain at least:
Eliminating Citizens United
Doubling Minimum Wage
Removing Presidential Immunity
Breaking Up Massive Corporations
SCOTUS Term Limits
Expanding SCOTUS to 13
Taxing Mega Churches
Women's Healthcare Rights
Banning Right-to-Work Laws
Amendment for Marriage Rights
Reversing Global Warming
Medicare For All
Assault Weapons Bans

Get To Work!

- Anonymous.

The Little Steps Doctrine.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Saturday coffee. Photo Op. After the announcement by Hakeem Jeffries that Democrats wil...