Hello, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between.
I like coffee in the rain.
A tragedy of flowers.
It seems like plans are being made to destroy the Rose Garden, at the White House, turning it into a dull limestone patio, more suitable for the turd’s 3rd term campaign rallies. Looks like they are finishing the job Melania started in 2020. In a way I am now glad Jill Biden didn’t completely undo that.
I feel terrible about it, but I knew this was coming. Same for the receptions with cheeseburgers and the vampire Christmas decorations perfect for Halloween. But the changes to “the Garden” are particularly painful. Historian Michael Beschloss had a meltdown over the first demolition of 2020, when most of the damage was done. Wait til he hears about the limestone à la Mar-a-Lago.
Everything these people touch turns to shit. It is a tragedy, since these once beautiful places were symbols of aspirational beauty and kindness. I was only a child when I fell in love with Albert Speer’s architecture as I saw it through the masterful lens of Leni Riefenstahl. Then I grew up. I became aware of what these stone monumental tributes to fascist rule meant and how practically all were destroyed and replaced. The tragedy is gone.
Everything these people touch turns to shit. It is a tragedy, since these once beautiful places were once symbols of aspirational beauty and kindness. I was only a child when I fell in love with Albert Speer’s architecture as I saw it through the masterful lens of Leni Riefenstahl. Then I grew up. I became aware of what these stone monumental tributes to fascist rule meant and how practically all were destroyed and replaced. That tragedy is gone.
At least the Nazis had brilliant minds in charge of aesthetics. These dumbfucks are more like a wrecking crew of drunks followed by drafters high on cocaine. At least it makes it easier to reconstruct. The real tragedy this destruction of beauty means is not the one inflicted on spaces and buildings. It’s the one people suffer. That is the tragedy that in so many cases cannot be undone. The one that requires our full attention.
These horrendous actions being planed and carried out against our symbols deserve our indignation but not our focus. Like every stupid act by these traitors it’s supposed to distract us from their treason but in particular from those actions that are truly tragic and the results of which cannot be undone by competent architects or arborists. Two bills will soon hit the Senate floor, perhaps at the same time.
One is H.R.722 - To implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendment to the Constitution for the right to life of each born and preborn human person. The other is H.R.1161 - Red, White, and Blueland Act of 2025 - To authorize the President to enter into negotiations to acquire Greenland and to rename Greenland as "Red, White, and Blueland". Go ahead, show your indignation for both. But please, focus on H.R. 722. It’s a federal abortion ban.
Both bills will pass the House and head to the Senate where either will get nothing but high praise and the rubber stamp of the fascist puppets who placed at the head of HHS a guy who wants to send people with mental health problems to “wellness farms” where they can enjoy forced labor without medication, side by side with “drug addicts” on cold turkey. You think they will stop the renaming of Greenland or the federal abortion ban?
Republicans in Congress will pass a bill that mandates them to eat shit on every other day and drink piss on the others if the dear leader wishes them to. And maybe Fetterman will vote for that too; he’s practically doing it already, anyway. We don’t have to choose which actions we are appalled by but we have to focus on what matters in terms of the impact it has on people. On us and our families and our neighbors.
That’s why as disgusted as the completion of the destruction of the Rose Garden may be I take a deep breath and move on immediately to other destructive actions being taken or planned right now that will tragically impact the lives of millions, for certain ending many of them. One day, the Rose Garden will be brought back in all its beauty, and yet some of its flowers will grace the tombs of the victims of H.R. 722. Those we can’t bring back.
Focus on that.
Resist & Oppose!