Sunday, February 9, 2025


Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Black coffee.

Call it what it is. Own it, because the people in power will soon (and in some cases now - DOJ, of all places) define it as betraying and disobeying the government. Treason is not about betraying the government: it’s betraying the country and the Constitution. They will soon call us traitors because they always project their crimes on others.

I also have news for you. If you still believe this can be fixed by drafting bills, and hoping for the few courts that try to stop it to uphold their rulings, or by working “across the aisle” to persuade some of them to abandon their God King, you are probably living in a fantasy. Democracy is gone. This is fascism. They may not yet have taken away our right to vote but if we manage to flip the House in April expect Martial Law to nullify it. I do.

What makes a government accept the results of an election? The rule of law. It must obey the law that states what happens after. How is the rule of law working so far? It isn’t. So why do we expect it to work in April? Or in 2026? These traitors will not fear becoming a little bit more treasonous by ignoring the Constitution a little bit more. In case you haven’t noticed they are all in. They learned their lesson. Have we learned ours?

In the four years these traitors had power they allowed the law to stand in their way. Their delusions of grandeur and disdain for the Constitution were cut short by the courts, again and again. And the minions they placed at the head of the DOJ and the DOD were undermined by their own staff. They weren’t fanatical enough. This time they are. Pam Bondi’s first order of business was to issue a warning to any DOJ official who would investigate government policies: Don’t.

Pete Hegseth’s first order of business was to declare the DOD a DEI free zone and the “return” to the “American warrior” philosophy, starting his addresses with “All glory to God” for now. “Deus Vult” will soon replace it. How long before the DOD changes its name to DOW? Anytime, now. Both departments, where all the guns are, are going through purity purges as we speak. They learned their lesson. We did not.

We are watching a coup in motion, but unlike an ordinary coup meant to overthrow a government, this coup is meant to keep the government in power. It’s a coup against democracy itself. Against the foundation of our democratic society: the rule the coup is aimed at is not the rule of a government but the rule of law. In their first run they became aware that it wasn’t enough to have some power and now they are ready to destroy what kept them from having it all then: the law.

I placed a lot of trust in our military last year. I wrote about it and my assessment was that, with the exception of a few nut jobs, the military would keep their oath to the country they are sworn to defend from all enemies, foreign and domestic. They are being purged of the highest ranking officers who believe and understand their oath. Will that work? I hope not for the time must come when we start calling what is happening by its true name: treason.

We do have professional armed forces and law enforcement, but they are still made of citizens. The armed citizens the 2nd Amendment speaks of. They must be made aware of the treasonous movement in progress and it’s our responsibility to let them know. In that respect we the people are the judges and the jury. In what is still left of a democracy being drowned by fascism we must try with all our strength to bring sense to those in charge of execution.

Lest we are forced to become all three: judges, jurors, and executioners. As time goes by it seems only a miracle will prevent this from happening. There are already calls for violence as the answer. Violence is not the answer. It’s the absence of it. It’s the last resort of the hopeless. This is why it is so important to get to the streets peacefully and raise awareness to what is going on. Before it is too late.

In 1974, fascism was deposed in Portugal after nearly 50 years of dictatorship. The military started the coup and the people followed. The army units still faithful to the regime were met by the people on the streets and instead of shooting at them they joined them. The military coup became a revolution. Here, today, we find ourselves in an opposite circumstance in which we the people must bring the military into the fold. They must see what we see: who the traitors are.

Unlike other revolutions but similar to the Ukrainian Maidan, ours must be fought peacefully on the streets, so those who will be sent to crush us will realize the traitors are the ones issuing their orders. Unless we rise by the millions they may be convinced otherwise. Don’t let that happen. Open their eyes. Our elected representatives must engage in this effort and start using the right words: treason and fascism.

In the Senate and the House business as usual is no longer acceptable. It hasn’t for a long time. They must stay there and speak up, every chance they get, old fashioned filibusters but not reading the phone book; calling out the traitors and fascism clearly, again and again. No more recesses, no more vacations, no more fundraising. Stay and fight! Denounce the government and its actions as a true opposition, not some whimpering call for bipartisan ways.

There’s a name for bipartisanship when the other side is fascist: collaboration. Just stop. Let the MSM try to call you crazy, unhinged, unprecedented and dangerous. We all better be recognized as dangerous by those we are fighting against. They must fear us. Once they do, their pathetic grins will vanish from their faces and we will have a chance to exploit that breach and widen it. And freedom will flow through it and drown them. Yes, you fascist pieces of shit: we are dangerous.

If we weren’t dangerous they wouldn’t try to silence us. It’s way past time to show them just how dangerous we are. From the streets to the chambers of Congress: call them out. Expose them for what they are: traitors and fascists. That’s the only way to prevent the worst from happening: the time when we will have to become judges, jurors and executioners. Fascism is taking root but there’s still time to stop it by speaking up.

So speak up! Resist & Oppose!

The Little Steps Doctrine.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Saturday coffee. Photo Op. After the announcement by Hakeem Jeffries that Democrats wil...