Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. More coffee.
Hold the line.
Yesterday, as the Super Bowl unraveled, the first hints about the coming frontal assault on the judiciary showed up. Thrown around like spaghetti at the wall, they uphazardly reveal a much serious intent. Some were quick to dismiss them as BS. They’re not.
This treasonous administration and their minions may be dumb and their statements may look outlandish but they are set to take the final step to end Democracy, of which only a sad caricature already remains as fascism expands its tentacles: the complete disregard of the law. When they say courts have no authority over the executive they mean it. They are already acting like it.
Actions that require congressional approval or the observance of legally establish methods are being taken in defiance of laws. Many are being fought in court, as they should, but the effects of temporary stays and the eventual final rulings that would stop such actions depend on the executive to enforce them. Judges don’t run around on motorcycles with shotguns, enforcing their rulings. The words they put on paper are just words, strong and just as they may be.
Norman Eisen, one of several lawyers working on cases involving this administration who had their security clearances revoked by TFG, was asked how will the courts enforce their rulings when it’s on the administration itself to uphold them and enforce them. I believe the question involved a scenario where US Marshals would arrest members of government held in contempt for disregarding the court’s orders. Good question, right? Who is going to arrest them?
He painstakingly dodged the question with proclamations of the power people have in a democracy and a sprinkle of faith in law enforcement. Very fainted faith in it. The truth is any and all law enforcement depends on the policy determined by the DOJ. And reality is we are closer to prosecuting the judges who issue orders against government officials than enforcing those orders.
If you’re disappointed in Merrick Garland’s half assed tenure and you still remember the damage Bill Barr did, you’re going to have your mind blown by Pam Bondi. Enforcement against “certain people” was already weak or non existent before so don’t expect it to improve under the rule of a full fledged fascist traitor in charge of our justice department. Am I suggesting it’s useless to prosecute these cases? Absolutely not.
Eisen, James, Elias, and all the lawyers involved in legal cases where the defendants are government officials or entities should double down on their actions, just as the Democrats in Congress should get off their butts and sue the living daylights out of everyone and everything they can. Some cases may slip through the sieve while those who don’t will expose the traitors involved in their dismissal.
We will beat them back; fascism will not take root, and all these cases will reemerge when the rule of law is restored. With a vengeance. Yesterday I reminded you how we the people have the power to take to the streets and demand justice. That’s particularly important in this case. Wherever, whenever a case like this is in court show up if you can and demonstrate outside. Show them we are watching and are not taking this shit.
The courts are our last line of defense when it comes to institutional resistance. They must hold the line for as long as they can and only we can buy them the time they need. Every day a court manages to delay the institution of this madness is a victory. We are all fighting for time. We’re running the clock and if you’re like me you probably hate it but the end zone is too far and if we try anything else at this point we risk losing everything.
At some point, as the disregard of the law becomes more scandalous and impossible to sustain, they may go ballistic and try to shut it all down with Martial Law. If it comes to that it must be on a beautiful day with birds chirping and children laughing so it’s indefensible. We must not give them any excuse to do it under the flimsiest pretext other than their treason and their intent of turning us into a fascist nation. We must force them to drop their act and lose their masks.
This is why, even with a puppet AG and all her treasonous doings, it’s so important to keep fighting on the legal front. It’s not hopeless, as frustrating and enraging as it is. We must support those efforts on the streets and, together with those fighting inside the court rooms, hold the fucking line as long as we possibly can. Destroying the judiciary is the most difficult step to climb on the way to fascism. Few succeeded in doing it. Many others failed.
Before leaving office, Joe Biden left us the gift of many judges who can fight for the survival of Justice. Their efforts, along with the prosecutors who dare defy Pam Bondi’s orders not to go against the government, are not in vain. They are our best shot at preventing Project 2025 to come true. Every case won and struck down by the DOJ or ignored by the administration is still a victory and it reminds us what we’re up against.
The megalomania of these traitors is unparalleled and it will bite them in the ass. They can’t help themselves and rejoice at every one of their heinous achievements as if those who suffer from them are not human. It’s already hurting many of the fools who fell for their BS who now cry on SM how wrong they were voting for this. Good. Cry some more. When they’re done crying perhaps they will join us on the streets. And in the voting booths.
Do not despair but do not look away either. Justice is coming under attack like never before. If we allow it to fall it will take a lot more than peaceful demonstrations to get it back. We must not let that happen. We must hold the line.
Resist & Oppose!