Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sincerely, An American.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Coffee is black.

March 4.
Members of Congress: what are you prepared to do that day? I have a suggestion for you, @housedemocrats and @senatedems. You are not going to like it. This is an open letter to you, Congress Democrats, and it should be read as such.

We know what the fascists in Congress will do. They will rise as their dear leader is announced; they will cheer and applaud him all the way to the well; they will shake his hand with a smile and probably will not wash their hands ever again; they will underscore each one of his lies with feverish applause and shout “USA, USA!”; they will bend over backwards to show which is more devoted to fascism. Just a “normal” State of the Union in an unscheduled time.

Maybe the dictator wannabe will announce a Medal of Freedom for Elon Musk, who will stand up and humbly accept it to thunderous applause and more cheers. I wouldn’t be surprised. What about you, Congress Democrats? Will you be there to perform a few of those things too? Or just sit silently like good boys and girls to whom decorum is more important than democracy? Or shout and pull your hairs out during the speech like middle schoolers? That it?

I have a suggestion for you. Do none of the above. Show up but when the traitor in chief walks in the chamber stand up and leave. All of you. Leave him to the complete meltdown he will have as he watches you exit. Perhaps he will ignore his prepared speech and spend his time insulting you and threatening you. Maybe he will call YOU traitors and suggest you should be arrested for disrespecting him. Or maybe he will ignore your walk out and go on like nothing just happened.

But don’t just walk out of there. Gather on the steps of the Capitol after you leave. The same steps the insurrectionists climbed on January 6, 2021. Wait until the fascist performance is over and then have one of you step forward and deliver the rebuttal from the steps of the Hill. Right there. Tell us, and the world, you have no respect for dictators or traitors. Tell us, and the world, fascism will not take root in this country.

Dare him and his fascist minions to dissolve Congress like they are dissolving all our institutions, from USAID to USDA, from Energy to Education, from the DOJ to the DOD. Call them out as fascists and traitors and tell us, and the world, you had enough of this shit. Just like that. But don’t choose one of your washed out alleged “leaders” to do it. Have Jasmine Crockett do it. Just her, with all 260 of you, representatives and senators, standing behind her. Let her speak.

Don’t jump over each other for another 5 minutes of worthless, meaningless fame on national television. Let her do her job. Show some discipline and coherence and in doing so maybe show you are not the power hungry spineless collaborators we think you are. Because if you stay in that chamber for decorum’s sake, if you have a bipartisanship apologist in a little room with a flag behind him, or her, deliver the rebuttal as we had it done before, you are collaborating with fascists.

Staying in that chamber is a sign of defeat. It’s pretending, like so many of you have been doing, everything is normal and you can still work “across the aisle”. Work with the fascist puppets that will stand and cheer their dear traitorous leader. You need to show us, and the world, you are done with that crap. It’s time to stand up and rise to the occasion. No better time than this: March 4. Show us what you are made of. Or don’t.

Millions will take to the streets on that day in planned demonstrations against the fascist take over of our government. That would be you, Congress Democrats. You are a part of that government. The legislative part of it. You have the option to stand up against the ongoing coup and denounce it from the steps of Congress that day, just as millions of us will be doing, or try to tell us there is nothing to see there and everything will be okay.

Don’t choose the latter. Don’t be “nice”. Don’t think for a minute that collaboration will save you from the inevitable consequences of a fascist dictatorship. It won’t. You will either be crushed by it or by the movement that we, the people, will lead against it. Either way, as collaborators you are done. Time to pick a lane, ladies and gentlemen in Congress, honorable men and women representing us. Time to see just how honorable you are.

We are plunging into the darkness of fascism while some of you write “strong worded” letters or go out on book tours. The fight most of you have fought so far is summarized by adding “very” to “concerned” in your statements; going as far as using “extremely concerned” is actually the extent to which “resistance” goes for most of you. And you have been watching us. We’re resisting. We are showing you the way. Hear us. Enough “concern”. We need you to do something.

But we are not “your best tool”, as one of you recently stated after revealing her helplessness on television. YOU are our tool. YOU need to do your job for us: that’s why we sent you to Congress. Show us, and the world, there is steel in your backbones. Stand up for your country and leave the fascist room. No one has ever done it before, but never before have we been so close to lose our democracy. We are watching you. So come March 4 do your fucking job. 

An American.

The Little Steps Doctrine.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Saturday coffee. Photo Op. After the announcement by Hakeem Jeffries that Democrats wil...