Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Coffee must be strong.
The crazies.
It’s total madness. Like some of you pointed out, this time it’s not just him. Before, there were some relatively normal people (even some competent people) working in his administration, regardless of their views. Now it’s cucamonga time. I can’t think of a single person working for or in the process of admission to this turd’s crew who is not a lunatic.
That is, probably, our only hope. These people are so fringe, cringe, and unhinged that their incompetence and arrogance put together will probably save us from more harm than what is inevitable just by their sheer stupidity in whatever position they hold. But they’ll try. The clowns turned government into a macabre circus and their cruelty threatens to kill us all. Without a firm obstructionist/delay proactive attitude by Congress Dems a lot of damage will be made.
Expect these appointees to not only enact every single proposal and executive order from FOTUS with extreme prejudice but also to get creative and start a competition to see who can crawl deeper into his ass. We are already witnessing GOP members of Congress running that sort of competition: one proposed three terms for president and another immediately went into “hold my beer” mode and proposed to carve the turd’s head on Mount Rushmore.
This flooding the zone is not only about measures that may be implemented or enforced but also those meant for no more than scandalize and shock, yet the enormous number of them is a serious problem. Of course the “newfound Gulf of America” is crazy but not like the kind of crazy demonstrated by the head of Homeland Security, roaming the streets in a bullet proof vest, calling immigrants “dirt bags”. At least she didn’t call them “wet bags”. Yet. Stay tuned.
Wait until the WWE founder soon to be in charge of Education decides to expand the concept of “Patriotic Education” to creatively suggest the use of the department’s OCR to transform Boy and Girl Scouts into the Maga Youth institution the dear leader will have wet dreams about. It’s right up her creative alley. She will approve the uniforms and banners personally. Oh, and “whites only”, please. No DEI shit at MAGAY. Only “the purest” need apply. Thank you.
Speaking of “whites”, Senator Alsobrooks, a black woman, when questioning RFK Jr. about his views on racial vaccine scheduling had to listen to him referring time and again to black Americans as “the blacks”. In his opinion, “the blacks” are not built as “the whites”. I honestly don’t recall anyone referring to black people this way except by those who learned to do it reading “Blacks only” and “Whites only” signs. RFK Jr. reminded us that was not that long ago. It was just yesterday.
Our attention is divided between the lunatics interviewing for the job and those on the job already. The crusader wannabe in charge of the DOD is probably planning a siege of Jerusalem (as the huge Crusaders Cross and “Deus Vult” war cry tattooed on his skin suggest) and in the meantime prohibited DOD’s official remembrance of the Holocaust (along with MLK Day, Juneteenth, and Black History month). Next Hanukkah and Kwanza. How’s this “champion of Israel” working out for ya?
While we slowly but surely move towards the institution of Christmas as the only official merry celebration allowed around that time of year, the invasion of Greenland plans are being drafted at the Pentagon, along with the Panama Canal take over and the liberation war with Canada, in case the dear leader gives the DOD instructions to proceed. These jokes (are they, though?) are met with dead serious concern by those they target. Would you not do the same?
Europe may be assembling a task force to face an eventual US military intervention (in Greenland). I don’t find this hard to believe at all, although it requires confirmation. And this illustrates the problem we face today: nothing is too outlandish or incredible anymore. The madness expands quickly. I know we should stick to facts and stop speculating. The thing is: speculation is turning into reality fast.
Take the “Protecting the American People Against Invasion” Executive Order of January 20. Sounds like a B movie plot, announced on the brand new FOTUS White House website (don’t get me started on that) in all its splendor. The dog shooter in charge swiftly dispatched our brave ICE agents against the criminal hordes, as documented in videos of tactical teams dragging little Hispanic women out of their homes as they scream for the kids inside. True American heroes, these agents.
Expect those women to be sent to Guantanamo asap and their kids to be thrown around in our excellent lost children safety net (while they are still born citizens). And while we’re talking about deportation, which is what is happening, complete with the institution of concentration camps of which Guantanamo is the test run, don’t rejoice the very real problem of chaos agents in our Universities is being addressed by identifying and deporting terrorist sympathizers in their midst.
The objective of this government is to silence dissent. In Tennessee, “included in (Gov. Bill Lee’s) wide-ranging proposal to coordinate with the Trump Administration on mass immigrant detentions and deportations is a provision that creates a Class E felony for public officials who vote to adopt or enact sanctuary policies.” - TN Lookout. This legislation is moving ahead swiftly for a vote.
Speculation, huh? Not so much, is it? But hey, look at Mount Rushmore!
Measures that may look like common sense, justified reactions to very serious problems, from immigration to terrorism, are always stepping stones to achieve total control of society. Expect something like carving out Nazism from the First Amendment (this one, rest assured, will not happen in the next four years) to lead to exclude all criticism of the orange turd from it. Which means this post alone would land me in a concentration camp. That’s what we are dealing with.
In an apparently chaotic and crazy myriad of measures, bills, executive orders, and creative individual initiatives, this government is marching full speed ahead towards the establishment of an authoritarian state with cosmetic elections and effective patriotic organizations - from the military academies to the soon to be Maga Youth - almost all inspired by Nazi Germany with a flavor of Russian oligarchy and a pinch of North Korean panache. No, not speculating this time. It’s real.
To leave where I started, combined with the hope Dems in Congress grow a big pair, all we have left to hang on to is the absolute idiocy of these people. I believe they are truly too stupid to pull this off in two years; which means we get a shot at stopping them in 2026. I hope I am right, for we all know how fascism is removed once established. And elections isn’t it. There’s still time, though. Don’t waste it. Don’t allow fascism to get established.
Resist & Oppose.