Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Fight the fuck back!

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Not enough coffee!

I didn’t watch. I didn’t have to.
I didn’t watch the rebuttal either.
I saw clips after. Not of him, though. I saw clips of the Congress Democrats. And clips of the rebuttal. And I read your words through the whole thing. I have some words too.

Dear Congress Democrats,

How are you doing this morning? Pretty good? It’s March 5; rise, shine, and fundraise! You’re only 12 hours behind speaker emerita Pelosi, who started texting people to “chip in” from her seat in Congress as the speech began. Have you learn nothing from her? Chop, chop! Time to monetize those lies, folks. Am I right? I mean, what else can you do? Well, let me tell you something…

You can grow a fucking spine, for starters. I know. People are bashing you left and right and I should bite my tongue and feel real sorry cause you work so hard for us browsing the internet for things to copy paste back to us and sending us desperate pleas for five bucks because “we’re losing, but with your bucks we can win.” I don’t give a fuck so I will just tell you like it is even if you won’t listen. Somebody will. Maybe.

What we witnessed last night was you, Congress Democrats, have no clue what you are doing. You had like 10 different strategies going into that speech and none of them worked: including the one where you should sit down and take it like good boys and girls. The only one that would have made a difference was lost in the chaotic performance of all the others: walking out. Yes, you should have stood up and walked out. All of you.

When Al Green did just that, and was thrown out because he reminded the dear leader he has no mandate to destroy Medicaid, you ALL remained in your seats. In the absence of a plan for concerted action, Al Green tried to give you a chance to do something. And you ALL failed miserably. You just sat there, most of you with embarrassment stamped on your faces, like schoolchildren afraid of being scolded and marched out of class by the sergeant at arms. You were embarrassed by Al Green.

He was raining on your rainbow parades: the one where you applauded a little to “respect the office”; the one where you booed from the comfort of your off camera anonymity; the one where you raised your little signs that didn’t even match (dear God, you couldn’t even get that one right); the one where you just sat in pink looking pink; or the one where you got up and walked out in little groups or one by one, ignored by the cameras to the delight of the fascists.

In summary, you showed us you don’t have a clue how to fight back. You have many ideas, most of them mediocre or really bad, the few good ones being drowned by the sheer amount of the former. You showed us your leadership is worried about decorum and status quo and chip in texting and little else. You showed us no solidarity with those among you who tried to do something and just how upset you were by those who tried.

As the endless speech progressed, your lack of respect for yourselves was laying the ground for your idea of an “epic rebuttal”, and on cue, a nice white woman, alone with the mandatory 4 or 5 American flags behind her, told us nice things about Ronald Reagan for about 11 minutes. At least it was just 11 minutes, but we got the message: Turd bad, Reagan good. And please chip in to help Reagan win. I really don’t know if to laugh, cry or just throw up.

Many Americans were already ashamed of what our country is becoming. After last night we are now ashamed of what you, Congress Democrats, have become. Shame on you. Shame on those of you who are doubling down on your donation emails after what you consider a great night and shame on you who are coming to Jesus this morning and saying you should have walked out. No shit. We told you to walk out before, but you were too busy to listen, counting the pennies of the fools who still chip in.

The few among you who are trying to fight back are crying in the wilderness of Congress, sidelined by your overall lack of vision and integrity. Your entire strategy for the resistance is summarized by last night’s actions: coordinated outfits, uncoordinated signs, decorum, chip in texting, and Ronald Reagan. Good luck with that. As for the so very few who are trying to break through the stagnant lot you became: thank you. But you’re not enough.

The little that is being done by a few Congress people is lost as random, isolated acts of kindness towards a frustrated audience of millions who take to the streets comforted by them but with little hopes they will do much to change the course of the Democratic Party. Jasmine Crockett tells Musk to fuck off and Ken Martin feels obligated to tell him to go to hell and the next one will say the next watered down platitude available. Decorum.

Jasmine Crockett calls TFG Putin’s ho and Elissa Slotkin calls him the destroyer of Reagan’s memory. After tonight, despite the calls to “preserve and protect” Jasmine Crockett (what!?), it was clear she should have delivered the rebuttal; not from home but from the steps of the Capitol with all 260 democrats present after walking out. You don’t want to “protect” her. You are protecting yourselves from her.

Not just from her, but from the other few who tell it like it is and spell out “fascism” and “treason”. You are so afraid to ignite the spark that will cause a civil war that you completely miss the burning embers you are standing on. You are tragically leading us into violence by refusing to act; by “being nice”; by ignoring us. Yes, we are out on the streets but without your support and respect our frustration will grow into anger and soon all bets are off.

If the worst should happen, the crowds without leadership will become mobs. The peaceful protests will transform into riots, with people in full black riot gear clashing with the police, while keffiyeh wrapped idiots will beat up anyone holding an American flag, and the eat the rich crazies will burn down middle class neighborhoods cause they look nice. Chaos. They will start shooting us in the legs. If we’re lucky. And that will be on you, Congress Democrats.

Grow a fucking spine. If you want to prevent a war on the streets fight one in Congress. Get your shit together and fight back as one. We are watching and we are ready. And start by shutting the fuck up about Reagan, already. He’s the reason we’re here. One of you had a little sign that read: “This is not normal”. We know.

Fight. The fuck. Back.

The Little Steps Doctrine.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Saturday coffee. Photo Op. After the announcement by Hakeem Jeffries that Democrats wil...