Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Of Bananas and Dildos.

Morning, Threaders, Threadeheads, and all in between. Must have fucking coffee.

Coming out of yesterday’s HaShoah remembrance I am still on edge after a good number of hours pounding pro-Palestinian simps reacting to my reply to a @guy_fawkes_news post about AOC. And did you notice the no bullshit first paragraph I just wrote? Try not to unfollow me until you read some more. It’s gonna be great. Where’s my fucking coffee…?

Let me start by saying the original post’s case was something along the lines of “AOC should be leading the House Dems” ‘cause she’s talking a big game now, and I was like: yeah, huh… No. Not being the anti-Semite she revealed herself to be. O. M. G. The fuck was I thinking. The first two replies to my statement asked for “proof”. No surprise there. I know I am not the dumbfuck whisperer but they were polite, kinda, so I put together a very small list of sources: 2 posts long.

That really worked well! It’s been a while since I blocked so many accounts over a single post. Like I said: not the dumbfuck whisperer and still out of fucks. But that whole situation and the absolute ignorant fuckery of those I ended up blocking on what seemed like a 12 hour pound-a-thon worked me up. Especially being Yom HaShoah. So let’s go over a few things regarding Israel and Palestine and fucking AOC (yeah, you).

The first time I became aware of AOC I was ecstatic. I mean, what was there not to like? That was the future, right there. She was the personification of all I ever dreamed the Democratic Party could be: young, smart, progressive, a woman, courageous… That’s what I’ve been talking about; fuck Bernie. And then a few things happened. I don’t presume to know a lot, or give advice, but trust me on this one: choose your heroes among the dead. Or at least not for more than one day.

I have lived enough to know what’s too good to be true usually isn’t. Way before 10/7 AOC was defining Israel as an “apartheid state” and signaling, despite her young age, she had read the KGB memo on the Middle East. Then she went on to NOT vote for the Iron Dome, blindly support every regressive pro-pal house democrat, standing with Students for Justice in Palestine, referring to Israel as a colonial power, smile and wave at “Intifada” chants, and a whole lot of similar shit. Ouch.

If you sit at a table with (insert any kind of douchebag) you’re one of them. You want proof AOC is antisemitic? There’s your proof. It works for Nazi rally goers just the same, no exceptions. But that’s not the worst part about her. The worst part is, and this is beautiful, Within Our Lifetime (the terrorist organization maskerading as human rights ngo) hates her guts with passion. They can’t stand her. To them she is “genocide Alex”. Kinda neat, huh?

So AOC, for lack of a stiffer spine, finds herself cornered between the right wing nut jobs and the pro-Hamas dumbfucks. No, she’s definitely NOT what we need. One must navigate strange waters in politics but when you just go with the flow you’re not navigating anymore; you’re just drifting. On top of it all, the cherry is AOC has demonstrated she picks and chooses her fundamentalists. She declares she will fight Nazis to the death while holding a Hezbolah flag. No thanks.

Back to the dumbfuck pounding. As usually, between the usual “stfu” and “one of those”, with a sprinkle of “boomers strike again”, the replies to my AOC assessment included the prescribed usage of “genocide”, “holocaust”, “colonialism”, “dead children” (the “right” ones, of course), and all the tropes the pro-pal simps are so fond of. Oh, and the “permanent ceasefire”, coupled with shout outs to “globalize the intifada”. No surprise there.

These people are so full of themselves and their self loathing they can’t tell a banana from a dildo anymore. I was born and grew up in a colonial country that colonized half the known world in the XIV and XV centuries and only let go of its empire in 1974, when I was 11 years old, you fucks. You don’t have a fucking clue what colonialism is. Also, the Holocaust is a unique phenomenon that applies to the Jewish people alone, stop using it to embellish a war started by Arab terrorists.

And stop saying “so you can’t criticize the Israeli government?” like you just pushed a golden egg out of your asses. Millions of Israelis are criticizing their government right now while Arab rockets explode all around them, which you fuckers will never endure in your cool keffiyehs. Supporting a one state solution is no solution and that applies to both Israel and Palestine but TODAY, and for the foreseeable future, the two state solution will NOT work. So there’s that, you idiots.

To make my day better, around 6 am today, UNICEF posted a pathetic video showing James Elder, the organization’s spokesperson, pandering “the five things” the children of Gaza need right now. What a pitiful exercise of willful ignorance coming from one of the few sections that still made sense in the more and more over all useless and ever hypocritical United Nations. It’s like a Hamas fundraising video, I shit you not, exploiting the suffering of children. Disgusting.

Forget about PowerPoint five bullet pages with failed policies and delusional goals, dear UNICEF. What should be number one on your wishlist for the children of Gaza is the same that should have been on top of your mother org, the pathetic United Nations: the complete and absolute removal of all Hamas presence in Gaza. That is the ONE thing the children of Gaza need to have a shot at ever being happy and have a future, you fucking spineless hypocrites.

Now that we have our own fascist wannabe at the head of our government we should pause for a minute and appreciate what the Israelis have been going through with Bibi at the wheel. It’s not the exact same shitshow but, hey, it’s still a fucking shitshow. I take no pleasure in FAFOs or “told you sos” because millions of innocent people are being screwed as I write these words and empathy is not a sin, and if it was I would be a sinner. We must wake the fuck up to reality.

The reality that is right here and now cloaked in the perception of Nazism, for perception is the cloak of reality. It doesn’t take strict and conscious adherence to the NSDAP doctrines to be a Nazi; all it takes is holding a swastika blood flag. Or performing a hitlergruß. And just like that you got yourself a bonafide Nazi. Same goes for all the intifada wishing fools. Reality is a self sustaining bitch and it doesn’t read minds. Remember that when choosing who you sit with.

To rest my case I have a message for an ordinary audience that keeps finding its way to my posts: if you are a Netanyahu boot licker or a globalize the intifada self loathing fuck you can go fuck yourself up the next go fuck yourself hill, roll down the go fuck yourself slope on the other side and keep fucking yourself until the next go fuck yourself sign. Fuck you and your horse.
You can unfollow me now.

Peace out. 🟦

Seeds of Change.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Black is the color of coffee. Good seeds. Looks like the planting season is near. Good ...