Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Fucking Rapaport.

Good fucking morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. I need more coffee. Black.

Michael fucking Rapaport.
Such a nice guy. A few months ago, I started following him on Instagram, I can’t remember exactly why. Must have been some profane post he made about Hamas, or something. God knows I never fucking curse, so that must have been it.

If you use Instagram at all, you know how it works. Every time you check in, the reels from the people you follow show up, along with suggestions based on your likes and views. For me it’s like cats, cats, cats, Israel, cats, cats, planes, cats, Israel, Israel, cats, cats, cats, and more cats. What can I say? I like cats a lot, pretty sure some are Hebrew cats.

So I started seeing Rapaport a few times.

At first it was okay. I mean, I remember him from exactly two things: “Copland” and “Friends”. That’s it. Both roles depict characters with the IQ of a potato. And that’s fine, someone needs to play them, and they are usually challenging for the actor. In Rapaport’s case, though, it was too good.
I mean, he was either an extremely talented actor or he was the other thing. Considering I only remember him from those two appearances, being the movie/TV series fan I am, I think the latter.

Anyway, he started popping up in my IG feed a few times, which I didn’t mind much, at first, but then it started getting a little old, and a little odd.
Then, couple of months back, there was a short outburst against Joe Biden. That caught my attention. By then, his “in your face” fuck you reels, and the constant views of the Mediterranean followed by the inevitable “and that is the river” as he pointed the phone to some hills, started to annoy me.

I almost unfollowed him, after he posted his interview with a young woman named Noam, the granddaughter of Shlomo Mansour, an 85 years old Holocaust survivor, taken hostage by Hamas, on 10/7. He was pushing his potato head BS politics on her, but she pushed back. Respectfully, but hard. She immediately saw through his intentions and stated all she cared about was getting her grandpa back.
God bless her.

But since Noam cut him off, I thought it was actually a good interview, and I didn’t unfollow him then, though I was really getting annoyed by his one trick pony show, and having his mug filling my screen, finger pointed at me, yelling the invariably boring “you crazy fucks!” The man is crass, and it was obvious where this was going.
But something flew under the radar. Until today.

I don’t watch much TV anymore. It depresses me, for reasons you are well aware of, but in the morning, I do a quick run through the news channels to see what’s up. Along the scrolling, Fox News pops up for a few seconds, and today it got my attention. You guessed it. They were singing high praise for Michael Rapaport. At first I thought it was old news, I remember some obscure podcast interview where he stated not voting for Biden wasn’t off the table, I thought that was it. But no.

They were talking about an interview he did a few days ago with Visegrad24, an infamous Twitter outlet, created by a group of “conservative friends”, “The members of this group are exceptionally close to Victor Orbán, but also to Donald Trump, although he has nothing in common with the Visegrad Group.” They are members of this thing called MEGA (Make Europe Great Again). Yeah.
That alone would be enough to make me puke, but it gets worse. 

The interview took place in Tel Aviv, by the Mediterranean, of course, and “just across” from the river, on the hills (trying not to roll my eyes too much, they are starting to hurt), and it’s a total shitshow. You can google “Visegrad24 Rapaport” in video mode. It will pop up. I do not recommend it, but the introduction is enough.

And here’s why Visegrad24 chose the snippet used in the interview intro. Sitting on a chair, with the Mediterranean Sea in the background, Rapaport says:

“My political views have changed immensely.
I will not vote for Joe Biden. At this point, when we are doing this interview, voting for Trump is on the table. People are going like, what are you talking about? That’s my reality.”

Stop watching interview. Understand fully why Rapaport is Fox News new baby. Unfollow Michael Rapaport on Instagram. 1, 2, 3. Done.
What the actual Royal fuck?!

I am too old for this shit; by now you do know I came here to eat Peeps, give fucks, and speak my mind, and if I am almost out of Peeps, I definitely have zero fucks left to give. I don’t give a fuck if your skin is green or violet, if you believe in the big taco or the big noodle, or whatever the fuck else you are. You tell me you are not voting for Joe Biden, you’re gone. Instantly. I don’t give a shit what your reasons are, maybe Biden ate your favorite pet, I don’t fucking care.

I wrote many times about the wolves amongst us, the splinter cells, the ones who seem to be on our side but are really on their own private Idaho. Be aware of these fucks. And be merciless when it comes to stop their stupidity on its tracks. It matters. We need unity, we need all the people we can get in our ranks, both regarding Israel’s fight for survival, and the fight for the survival of our own democratic society. But unity does not mean blindness.

You have seen it and experienced it many times, in Social Media and in the MSM. People who look like allies turn out to praise Trump, to reveal themselves as bigots, to show they only care for themselves. Someone posted a pro Palestinian demonstration where a LGBTQ+ sympathizer was turned away, and among the replies, one self proclaimed Zionist immediately stated that was good, and next we should isolate all LGBTQ+ scum. How thoughtful and inclusive.

We share our space with people who seem very nice and leveled headed, we take their praise, we laugh with them, and we cry with them, and we even welcome their occasional hug, in times of need, but do not hesitate to expose their real selves when they are revealed. We shouldn’t have the room, the time, or the patience to accommodate such people, for they only care about themselves. It’s a grift. Wake up to reality, as Ol’ Blue Eyes would say.

It’s a shame, I know. I admired some of these people, Michael Rapaport not so much, but I considered him an ally. We are not all blessed with high IQs, and we are certainly not perfect, but if by now you don’t understand voting for Biden is our ONLY option to stop fascism, you are pretty fucking dense, and you pose a danger to us. You are a threat. And as such, you must be exposed as a threat.

You may still like Michael Rapaport, and may still laugh at his jokes, but after this I am not in the mood to laugh anymore. He had lost that ability, to me, anyway, I just chose to stop giving him air on my feeds. You do you, naturally, but me, I have lost all interest in this kind of fucks. I’m done.

So happy Tuesday to everyone, except Michael Rapaport.
He can go fuck himself.

Same as it ever was.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Fresh coffee. Black. 2025. Here we are. Still. What changes we want will not happen. Wh...