Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Not to be debated.

Good morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Coffee is black and hot.

I have been noticing some efforts across Threads to “normalize” behavior that is designed to splinter our efforts to win the election in November, at the same time they “crack down” on those of us who push back hard against it, calling for “understanding”, and “dialogue”.

So here’s the thing…

We don’t need former republicans to save us.
We don’t need Reaganites to save us.
We don’t need antisemites to save us.
We don’t need Nazi apologists to save us.
We don’t need “blue collar hillbillies” to save us.
We don’t need propals to save us.
We don’t need Shitsteins to save us.
We don’t need Bernie Bros to save us.
We don’t need feminazis to save us.
We don’t need communists to save us.
We don’t need libertarians to save us.
We don’t need “Genocide Joe” types to save us.
We don’t need terrorist apologists to save us.
We don’t need socialists to save us.
We don’t need Cornell West to save us.
We don’t need “found Jesus” fascists to save us.

We don’t need ANY of these fuckers, because ALL of these fuckers will fuck us up, first chance they get. When someone threatens not to vote for Biden, they are telling you they will NOT vote for Biden. You better believe it. These people are NOT our friends. They don’t see the world as we do. They want one thing: chaos.
You can play their game, or you can win.

Democrats have a real hard time wining. For some reason, Democrats believe singing Kumbaya is the answer to the world’s problems. Democrats focus on stupid shit, like “wining the hearts and minds” of Trump voters, or appeasing them. And above all, Democrats are terrified of super majorities. Democrats are afraid to govern alone. This needs to change. Gloves off time.

The way we change this is to remain strong in our convictions, to push through the bulshit and build a wining block that can last enough to bring about real change, not the stupid Kumbaya crap that produces nothing, but actual change, through actual results people can feel in their lives, making them better. Changes that last. Changes that lead to palpable results.

And this means we need to really close our ranks, purging them from fifth column types that are riding along because they know only from within they can achieve their goals, which are very different from ours. Some want to bring back Reagan from the dead, some want to bring back that old Marxist dream, some just want a free lunch. But they all are chaos agents.

We need people who can demand the impossible expecting NOT to get it, not dumbfuck idiots who really think they’re gonna get it. We need people who understand this is a long game, to be fought this year and in 2026 and 2028, not instant satisfaction fucks who want it all and want it now.
We need to learn how to KEEP the win.

We need people who understand the world is a complex space, where compromise is the goal to achieve the impossible. Who realize what is at stake, and will do anything to stop it. So enough of this “understanding”, “dialogue”, Kumbaya crap. We need to fight to win, not to lose everything the day after. And we need to endure. This is a very hard battle, up hill. We need to cut the dead weight now. All it does is drag us down.

So wake the fuck up, recognize those we can talk to, but also those who are just wasting our time. In other words, use the block button here, and keep spreading awareness among those who are still unaware. And stay together.
We can still do this, but let’s do it right. We don’t get a do over this time.

Have a great hump day.

Same as it ever was.

Morning, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between. Fresh coffee. Black. 2025. Here we are. Still. What changes we want will not happen. Wh...