Some Saturday morning, huh… Switching to Caturday mode’s not gonna cut it. Drink your fucking coffee, Threaders, Threadheads, and all in between.
You’re gonna need it.
So today I woke up later than usual, had to fast brew my coffee, fly out the door, while looking diagonally at Threads, and first thing on my feed is this shit (*). Again. And for the life of me, there is not a thing good about it.
(*) Quoted a post about Kate Cox by Reuters since then deleted by them. It’s currently unavailable.
So, according to @reuters, Kate Cox, 31, of the Dallas-Fort Worth area, sought court authorization for the abortion because her fetus was diagnosed on Nov. 27 with trisomy 18, a genetic abnormality that usually results in miscarriage, stillbirth or death soon after birth.
Also per @reuters, District Court Judge Maya Guerra Gamble sided with Cox on Thursday, issuing an order that applied only to Cox and does not expand abortion access more broadly.
Then, Texas AG, “Paxton, who had previously warned that any doctors involved in providing the emergency abortion would not be safe from prosecution, asked the state's highest court to intervene.” And sure enough, “The Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocked a pregnant woman from obtaining an emergency abortion on Friday, shortly after the state's attorney general requested the block.” (@reuters)
I mean… why do people still live in Texas is really beyond me. But it’s complicated.
Most people can’t just pack up and leave. Maybe Kate Cox is one of them, and now she is doomed to stay home and, in the extreme, die. It’s like she is in her own private death row, courtesy of the great state of Texas. The cynics will say, “at least she’s comfortable.”
Our hopes for Texas, and other cesspool states, is that people, even in highly gerrymandered areas, will feel so sick of this shit they will vote all these fuckers out of government. But can it be done?
Even when things looked “better”, and let’s face it, they haven’t been better since Reagan, so there’s that, there was always the perception that no matter how scandalous any given issue was, the ONLY thing driving people to the polls on Election Day was the price of a gallon of gas.
Especially in so called “red states”. Then, recently, the GOP turned into the American Nazi Party, and people went ballistic.
Suddenly there were thousands marching, for Women, for Our Lives, for Black Lives, and it started to look good. Hopeful. Until we realized that on the other side of the street, others marched too. Only they marched with torches lit in the night, with blood flags and swastika bands, and they chanted “Jews will not replace us.” And NOBODY did a fucking thing to stop them. It turns out we cherish Nazism in this country. We really do. It’s so cool to be free.
In all probability, come November 2024, we will line up for the polls once more, and as always, most eyes will not be on Kate Cox, on antisemitic university heads, on the removal of mail in boxes, on the last mass shooter, on the fascists deciding what schools teach our children… On George Floyd (who the fuck is that?), gods no. Most eyes will be on the price of a gallon of gas. As they have always been.
So for those of us who remember all the things I mentioned, and more, it’s really a matter of hoping the fucking gallon of gas is as close to two bucks as possible. And Biden better make sure it is. Actually, in stead of focusing on jobs, climate change, guns, education, voting rights, or what the fuck ever we consider key factors for any administration that seeks re-election, Biden should do everything in his power to lower the price of gas to one dollar and fifty cents a gallon.
He really can’t do much about it, can he.
Basically, dear thriends, we are fucked. On top of the gas prices freaks, now we have the free Palestine freaks, and the Cornell bros, and the Shitsteins, and I don’t think there are enough Swifties in the world to counter that.
So our best bet, is to hope camels don’t fart in Arabia, or at least fart against the wind, so gas prices stay as low as possible. Cause God knows that when a camel farts where the wind blows, gas prices go up 10 cents.
But hey… When voting is useless, everyone has an AR-15, synagogues burn, kids are taught Hitler was a hero, women die on hospital parking lots daily, minimum wage drops to $2.00 an hour, health insurance rises another 500%, people of color get their own water fountains again, and Melania gets another shot at Christmas, at least you get to fill your fucking gas tank with 20 bucks.
So Merry fucking Christmas.
Or we are royally fucked.
Oh… And good morning.